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Outdoor 76Categories: Unique Shops, Outdoor Outfitters, All Things Outdoors |
Outdoor 76 is a specialty outdoor retailer and outfitter located on Main St. in Franklin, North Carolina - an official designated Appalachian Trail Community! We are committed to meeting your technical needs on the trail and your lifestyle off the trail. Our staff is exclusively made up of outdoor enthusiasts who have spent years hiking, paddling, climbing, cycling, camping and fishing the mountains of Western North Carolina. Choose your adventure within almost any budget - we have a wide range of products, services and expertise to optimize your outdoor experience. We are a full service stop for Appalachian Trail thru-hikers and Bartram Trail Hikers. We will be happy to provide anything from directions to the trail - to rental camping and backpacking gear, personalized outfitting for your specific adventure needs - to helping you get that old pair of hiking boots to fit right. Let us help you remember how much you love playing in the mountains of North Carolina!
Owners Cory McCall and Rob Gasbarro make shopping for your outdoor needs easier than ever. They provide top-notch service and advice on all of their footwear, clothing lines, camping gear and more. Expect friendly faces and a willingness to work with you on your specific outdoor needs. These guys know what they're doing.
Conveniently located in downtown Franklin NC